The Leone d’Oro Award is the continuation of the first international competition in the world born in 1987: the Leone d’Oro dei Mastri Oleari.
The award is promoted and organized since 2016 by O’live & Italy in the figure of Maria Paola Gabusi, president of the cultural association and Panel Leader of the professional tasting committee Aipol2.
Leone d’Oro is the reference competition for the extreme rigor of organoleptic analysis, uses a single professional tasting group for the evaluation of the organoleptic profile of all samples in a certified Panel Room.
All the extra virgin olive oils that comply with the COI parameters of the product classification, of the last year of haarvest, of each origin and of companies that have submitted, within the time limits indicated, regular online application for participation.
Samples must be marketed and it must be possible to purchase them through normal distribution channels. Bottles must be regularly labelled and present the batch number and all the details required by law.
For each type of oil presented, the quantity of the production batch must be declared, regardless of whether or not bottled, but it must be homogeneous.
The evaluation is carried out following the IOC Method, using a Panel Room certified by the Ministry and a single recognized professional Panel.
Two fact sheets are used for sensory analysis: 1- Quantitative evaluation sheet IOC that measures the intensity of the perception of olfactory and gustatory descriptors to determine the commercial category. 2-Leone d’Oro rating sheet focused on the qualities of perceived attributes such as harmony, complexity, persistence and varietal notes, to determine a QUALITATIVE score from 0 to 100.
From 2019 the Competition uses a proprietary software for the registration of all data of organoleptic evaluations. This archive allows you to follow the evolution of individual products over the years and is a unique tool of study at the service of producers.
- SMALL PRODUCERS (total production per farm NOT more than 3000lt)
- SELECTION VARIETAL (each variety in the competition with more than 20 samples)
- ONE LEONE IN THE KITCHEN ® (Organoleptically “clean” oils, balanced and with the best quality/ price ratio, to be promoted in restaurants or as cooking oils for families. Packed in Bag-in-box of 3 or 5 lt to ensure greater stability over time)
All samples shall be subjected to organoleptic assessment in accordance with the order of arrival. The Panel tastes weekly no more than 8 samples per day throughout the year.
Samples will be admitted to the Leone Selection if, at the end of the organoleptic evaluation, will have reached a score greater than or equal to 85/100.
The producers of the oils in Leone Selection will receive by email the organoleptic analysis and the professional Panel test, over the years they will have the report on the qualitative evolution of their product and will also compete for the Leone d’Oro
The Leone Selection entitles you free of charge to the stamp file and the promotion of the product through social channels, national and international masterclasses and all other activities of the association.
From the 2nd to the 7th classified by category with a rating higher than 94/100, entitled to the stamp file (free) and to the points provided for the world’s ranking
The ONLY WINNER of each category will be entitled to the stamp file and points provided in the world ranking
The winners of the Italian categories ” Small Producer”, “Monovarietal” and Organic” will win an exclusive contract of direct purchase from Bordoni Italia
Producers that have won at least 2 Leone d’Oro in any category and which score is over 95/100 will compete with their best sample at this unique international award. Southern Hemisphere temporary excluded.
ATTENTION, for each sample must be sent, in the same package, under penalty of disqualification:
- Print the confirmation e-mail received at the end of the online application form
- Copy of payment receipt (in case of payment with paypal is not necessary)
- n.5 bottles, labelled according to standard: 2 with 250ml capacity and 3 of 500ml OR 5 with 500ml capacity.
- In the case of the inscription to the only “Lion in the Kitchen” 1 bag-in-box of 3 or 5 lt
– The certificate of chemical analysis of the submitted batch of oil indicating at least free acidity and peroxide number can also be sent by e-mail. (organic or PDO/PGI certifications are not required if they are evident on the label)
shipping address:
Upon registration the following contribution is required:
- FIRST sample 300 euro
- SECOND sample 150 euro
- THIRD sample 100 euro
- FOURTH sample 50 euro
- A Lion in the kitchen 50 euro
- Best packaging (included in the oil inscription but to compete must exceed 85/100)
The cost includes the organoleptic evaluation and the Panel Test for those who exceed 85/100. Otherwise it is possible to request a call for advice – by appointment – to evaluate critical issues and possible solutions.
The payment must be made at the same time as sending the application form, by bank transfer or via Paypal.
For the transfer use the following data:
- account in the name of : O’Live & Italy
- IBAN: IT62 K032 9601 6010 0006 6541 985
- bic/swift: FIBKITMM
- MANDATORY reason: “contribution participation Leone d’Oro 2024 + company name”
Any bank fee shall be assumed by the participants
- LEONE D’ORO 2023/24 from 1 NOVEMBER 2023 to 1 MARCH 2024
JUNEJULY 2024 - UN LEONE IN CUCINA from 1 NOVEMBRE 2023 to 1 MAY 2024
The Competition will close at 300 samples, so at 300 samples the entries will be closed even if the date is different from that declared. The order of arrival of the complete registration and payment will be deemed authentic.
We urge you to send samples as soon as possible to allow us to organize the evaluation giving each sample the attention and time it deserves.
From the reception to the presentation of the samples in the Panel Room and beyond, it is the responsibility of the organizers to keep them scrupulously to ensure their integrity in a dark and temperature-controlled room.
Samples are analysed by the Panel in order of arrival. The result of the organoleptic evaluation and any inclusion in the Leone Selection (Selezione Leone) is immediate and is communicated to the e-mail marked in the registration form together with the stamp file.
FINALISTS/GREAT MENTION of each category will be announced by email at the end of April 2024, at the end of all tastings.
The WINNERS of each category will be announced during the Producers Party to be held every year in the headquarters of O’Live & Italy in Toscolano Maderno (Bs) SATURDAY, May 18, 2024.
The ONLY WINNER of Southern Hemisphere will be announced the 30th of July.
Leone d’Oro has no sponsors, you supports it with your inscriptions. With the inscriptions it pays the rent of the Panel Room, the material, the bills and so on..
Any contacts you receive through Leone for the sale of your product will never generate commissions or additional costs for producers. However, we ask you to express your gratitude by using with pride the seal (sticker) you have earned and helping us to make the Leone better known worlwide.
The tasters in this competition are a group of professionals aligned and trained throughout the year by the Panel Leader Maria Paola Gabusi and recognized by the Ministry under the name of Panel Aipol2.
During the tastings of Selezione Leone, the panel room in Brescia (italy) is open to anyone who, enrolled in the professional list of tasters, wants to see how we work and taste with us. Clearly its results will not go in average nor in median. If you are interested send a whatsapp to +39-3478784699.
We are collecting an important database of sensory evaluations related to monovarietal, please be correct in giving us the indications of the varieties present in your samples.
The bottles advanced from the tastings, from the reassessments of the finals, from the reassessments for the evaluation of the shelf life, tastings in national and international masterclasses and all other initiatives aimed at the dissemination of your product are addressed to the following causes:
- Annual donation of oil in sealed bottles to the Nursing Home Fondazione Bianchi of Toscolano Maderno
- Donation of bottles as a gift to competitors of the non-competitive race: En Mes ai Ulif Trail
- Gifts in the lottery of the “Ciarpaleone” held on the day of the awards during the Festival of Producers. The money is entirely donated to different organizations, in 2023 you helped Sea Shepherd Italia and Survival International, two realities very connected to our mission that is the safeguarding of biodiversity.
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