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International Masterclass for EVOO Tasters summer 2024

Nuova Sala Panel Via Tirandi, 6, Brescia

3 days of intensive masterclass. You'll be able to taste the best Evoo in the world and get trained on main fermentation and oxidation defects. We will speak about monovarietals, blend, sensory evaluations in ENGLISH !


International Masterclass 2021

Nuova Sala Panel Via Tirandi, 6, Brescia

3 days of intensive masterclass. You'll be able to taste the best Evoo in the world and get trained on main fermentation and oxidation defects. We will speak about monovarietals, blend, sensory evaluations


International Masterclass for EVOO Tasters

Nuova Sala Panel Via Tirandi, 6, Brescia

Tre giorni di assaggi intensivi, focus su monovarietali italiani e internazionali, con un occhio ai principali difetti organolettici Three days of intensive tastings, focus on monovarietal, italian and international, and codified defects